How to Import Export of Goods

How to Import Export of Goods How to Import Export of Goods - As a business you would like to expand the market for goods that you sell. One way is to export our goods to overseas production. Foreign market is still wide open and certainly before exporting goods abroad we should be able to guarantee the quality of the production of goods.
Here is how to export and import goods ala WikiCaraPedia:
How to Export Goods:
We should be able to find a buyer / buyer from overseas. Database buyer can be obtained from several sources. Either through the exhibition, contact the representatives of commerce, etc.The next process is that we offer our products to the buyer. We must be able to demonstrate superior quality and a few other advantages that buyers are interested in our products. Until the buyer ultimately make a purchase.Export procedures to be performed are as follows:Setting SI (shipping instruction) to the shipping that comes with Invoice and Packing ListAfter that, the cruise will issue a DO (Delivery Order) that contains information about the form of container seal number and container number, name feeder (pegangkut ship name), etc.By Do it, we then had to take care of PEB (Notification Ekxpor Goods) will be the forerunner to the issuance of COO (Certificate of Origin)Once the container set, the cruise will publish BL (Bill of Lading)Then we can collect payment of orders from the buyer to send via fax / email documents: BL, Packing List, Invoice, and COONew original documents we send to buyers through a courier service if the money order has been entered into the settlement of our accountHow to Import Goods:We contacted the overseas companies that sell products that we want. Then we do the order.payment types can use the TT (telegraphic transfers) or you can also use the LC (letter of credit)When we use the LC, we had to call foreign bank to open LC with attaching PO (Purchase Order). Then the bank will contact the foreign correspondent bank in the country of the supplier and ordered a correspondent bank to contact the suppliers that have been published LC on orders us to theirOnce we oder completed and ready for delivery, we will be notified of the supplier in the form of documents BL, INV, PL sent by fax and original documents are sent to the bank for payment korespinden.The next process we as importers have to make PIB (Import Declaration) in stall EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), which has been appointed the Director General of CustomsOf the PIB has been created, it will be known how PPH to be paid, the PIB was closed at the bank or its PPH paid between banks with Customs computer that has onlineThen we also have to take care of custom bond (insurance) which aims to guarantee the amount of import duty and VAT charges to the importer as it appears on the PIBThen the document that has been paid in the bank along with custom made to bond BAPEKSTA (Ease Export Services Agency and Financial Data Processing) for the purpose of issuance STTJ (Letter Receipt Assurance) is used to remove the goods from Customs officers.At the time of the making of the PIB, Public EDI reserves the right to transfer the property documents to the Customs Importers online that previously the EMKL (Expedition Cargo Ship) check the container and switch to the forwarder BL for DO (Delivery Order). DO was brought to the Customs for the purpose of clearing goods in the process.If all okay, the Customs will provide a response to the importers and importers ordered to immediately deliver the documents to the Customs Office in question.Parties Customs will examine documents from the importer.Having received and examined the physical documents and adapted to the data that has been transferred earlier, the Customs will issue the SPPB (Letter of Approval for Expenditures). Another case when the suspect Customs documents they receive, the Party shall issue PJM Customs (Notice the Red Line)By bringing SPPB Customs then we can release the goods we import from the port.Looks very complicated is not it, but in fact if we had used the above process is not as complicated as we imagine. That's the way some of the Export of Goods may be useful.
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