How To Deal With Stomach Bloating

How To Deal With Stomach Bloating How To Deal With Stomach Bloating - You all must have felt abdominal bloating and of course it is making us very uncomfortable. Flatulence is actually derived from the food we eat. Some foods can cause stomach to be bloated.
The cause of abdominal bloating can also vary. For example, chemical reactions of certain foods consumed that stimulates the production of excess gas in the intestines, or due to other intestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and constipation.
Some foods can cause excess gas are vegetables (kale, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and peas), high fiber foods, carbonated beverages, foods containing sorbitol and fructose.
As quoted from MSN, these foods can cause excess gas because it is not broken until the food reaches the large intestine and is digested by bacteria. This process creates more gas than the digestive process that occurs in the small intestine. Excess gas in the intestines and silence in the digestive tract trigger flatulence.
But not to worry, because there are many ways that can be done to overcome them, as summarized from the site WikiCaraPedia canadianliving and wolipop below:
1. Until consume 25 grams of fiber each day 35
Constipation often make us feel bloated and stuffed. To relieve bloating and also improve intestinal health, consume foods that contain fiber. Flaxseed, carrots, oranges, and barley-containing foods included in soluble fiber. Meanwhile, dark green leafy vegetables, spinach, kale, nuts and sesame seeds included in insoluble fiber.
2. Chewing Gum is a Big No No!
Chewing gum makes you swallow air bubbles in greater numbers, causing a feeling of bloating. Instead of chewing gum, change these habits by eating healthy foods that are good for digestion, such as yogurt.
3. Reduce the intake of salt in the body
Reduce intake of foods containing high salt levels to reduce the risk of stomach bloating. Salt makes the body's cells resist moisture content can contribute to cause flatulence. Replace salt in your diet program, with garlic powder, oregano or black pepper. This will help reduce sodium intake and bloating.
4. Drink 2 Liter Water Per Day
Drink one to two liters of water per day to help your body well hydrated. The water will help remove impurities that cause stomach bloating in the body.
5. Knowing Food Sensitive to Your Body
Some people sometimes have different reactions to certain foods, so it helps one to recognize what foods can make symptoms worse or better. You can also do a food allergy test normal in consumption
6. Eat Smaller Portions
Compared to eat three servings of the food in one day, eat five small meals each day. That way the body gets time to extract food and utilize all the nutrients contained in the food yag better.
Foods that can alleviate bloating include peppermint leaves, lemon juice, pineapple, papaya, aloe vera juice, celery, whole grains, beans that do not use salt, and yogurt.
While food can make bloating include:
- Raw Vegetables
Although it contains vitamins, minerals, and raw antioksidan.Sayuran make sense bubble on digestion. Boil the vegetables in advance in order to eliminate the effects of flatulence.
- Brussels sprouts, broccoli, Nuts, Onions and Cabbage
The food is nutritious and delicious this is one of the major causes of flatulence. They developed in the digestive tract and improve emotional. Avoid these foods if you feel bloated.
- Alcohol
Carbonate compounds contained in beer causes flatulence and irritable, especially when acidic substances in the body that is causing the swelling.
- Coffee
As with alcohol, the addictive substance found in coffee also create irritation and flatulence. Reduce consumption of coffee, if you are experiencing abdominal bloating.
Avoid if only food that can make your stomach bloated, because if passed would have a negative impact to your body. That bit of writing on How To Deal With Stomach Bloating may be useful.
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