The Natural Way Getting rid of Ants

The Natural Way Getting rid of Ants The Natural Way Getting rid of Ants - Ant including insects that sometimes irritated, they really liked the food very sweet. During these foods can be reached by them certainly would immediately attacked.
Actually a lot of the chemicals sold sold in the market to repel ants - ants are but sometimes they leave the smell of chemicals which of course is not good for health.
Here are some Natural Way Getting rid of ants by using the materials - natural substances that easy we find:
Betel leaf

Betel leaves can be used to wash the eyes, but it turns out betel leaves can also be used as a natural ant repellent. Knead betel leaf and place it on the ant swarm. Insects such as ants do not like the smell of essential oils released by the betel leaf.

Clove is a spice used for seasoning. Cloves are also mixed into the regular tobacco cigarettes. In addition Clove was also able to repel ants.
The trick with a sprinkling of cloves around objects like ants away from the crowd and is a frequently traveled and used to roam ants. With a distinctive smell of cloves and ants will go away.
Skin Chicken Eggs

Because it can not be eaten, it is usually a chicken egg shell will immediately discarded. But from now on do not be hastily discarded, especially if a lot of ants in the house. Sangrailah until chicken eggshell colored black. Then crushed eggshells until smooth. Further Sprinkle in areas where ants are nesting.

Although sweet, but cinnamon is not favored ants. To repel ants, sprinkle cinnamon around doors, windows and floors into the driveway ants into the house.
Lime Water

The smell of lemon acid would disrupt the sweet smell of sugar ants captured. To repel ants, lemon spray water around the door or window where entry of ants.
Coffee grounds

For who like to drink coffee, do not rush to dispose of coffee grounds. Coffee grounds can be used to repel ants, how to sprinkle coffee grounds around the window or door to the entrance of the ants into your home.

Corn flour or cornstarch can also to repel ants. How, then sprinkle ant nest look cornstarch in the ant nest. Soon the ants will leave the nest.
That is some Natural Way Getting rid of ants luck and hopefully useful.
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